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ARCHIVED POLITICAL NEWS 2004-2012  -  Think   -  Truth  
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11/10/12 - How big brands milk small farmers for all they’re worth Professions with the most Psychopaths

10/29/12 - Mexico’s Narco Televisa Scandal: The Impunity of the Elite

9/8/12 - 9/11 Mastermind Osama bin Laden: America’s Anti-Soviet “Peace Warrior” and CIA “Intelligence Asset”


12/5/12 - Nuclear Power Whistleblowers Charge Federal Regulators With Favoring Secrecy Over Safety

12/4/12 - Police Groups Vie For Mandatory Collection Of All Private Text Messages

12/4/12 - Laptop seizures by US government highlight 9/11-era climate of fear

12/4/12 - They Can Do That?! 10 Outrageous Tactics Cops Get Away With

12/3/12 - Police Can Record Video Inside Your Home Without A Warrant, Appeals Court Says

12/4/12 - Top NSA Spying Chief: “If You Ever Get On Their Enemies List, Like Petraeus Did, Then You Can Be Drawn Into That Surveillance”

12/3/12 - NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under digital surveillance, Trillions of Messages Stored

11/29/12 - Assange on WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Cypherpunks, Surveillance State

11/29/12 - Anti-Drone Activists Could Get 7 Years for 'Irritating' US Air Force Colonel

11/28/12 - Obama Signs Whistle-Blower Protections Into Law

11/26/12 - Julian Assange's book an exercise in dystopian musings

7/23/2004 - Fmr. CIA Analyst and FBI Whistleblower Dissect Final 9/11 Commission Report

9/27/12 - US Designates Wikileaks "Enemy of the State"

6/9/12 - WikiLeaks Grand Jury investigation widens



Singing God Bless America prevents terrorist attacks

Alabama secessionist blames gov't for closing topless car wash.

Obama won because we turned our back on god

Denny's owner chargest 5% fee due to ObamaCare

Marco Rubio... "Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that," he said. "It's one of the great mysteries."

Rick Perry... claiming that he didn't "have any idea" about the earth's age. "I know it's pretty old," ... "So it goes back a long, long way. I'm not sure anybody actually knows completely and absolutely how old the earth is."

But Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) was more definite in his answer .... stating his belief that the earth was only 9,000 years old.


11/27/12 - Alito Rising: What to Expect From the Supreme Court’s New Alpha Conservative

11/17/12 - 5 Top Econo. forecasters predict war

11/15/12 - The Other Moral Squalor of U.S. Militarism

11/14/12 - The Suspension of Habeas Corpus in America

11/9/12 - Ohio’s GOP Secretary of State Already Has A Plan To Rig The 2016 Election For Republicans

11/9/12 - The Voting Rights Act Is In Supreme Court’s Crosshairs

11/7/12 - Jeremy Scahill and Dennis Kucinich: In Obama's 2nd Term, Will Democrats Challenge US Drones, Killings?

11/7/12 - Now the Work of Movements Begins - Goodman and Ralph Nader on what do to now (You Tube video)

11/2/12 - Why Election Day Marks the Beginning of the End of Marijuana Prohibition

11/1/12 - Five Easy Post-Election Predictions

2016 candidates:

12/5/12 - Jeb, Hillary, Rubio, Ryan Biden, Patraeus (if Israel lets him), Rubio, Bloomberg, Jindal (but nobody listening)

11/21/12 - Jeb, Hillary, Biden, Rubio, Bloomberg, Jindal (but nobody listening)

11/17/12- Jeb, Hillary, Biden + Rubio + Jindal (but nobody is listening)



12/2/12 - Free Trade and Economic Imperialism

12/1/12 - DIA sending ... more spies overseas

11/30/12 - After the Elections: Obama Escalates War Drive in the Middle East

11/30/12 - Israel to build new Jewish settlement homes after UN Palestine vote Related: 11/12/12 - Israel plans ‘dramatic’ settlement expansion in West Bank

11/28/12 - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange launches attack on US

11/29/12 - Julian Assange on WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Cypherpunks, Surveillance State

11/27/12 - Goldman Sachs' Global Coup D'etat

11/29/12 - The Privatization of US Foreign Policy: An Interview ...

11/26/12 - Why is Obama Silent over the Congo War?

11/25/12 - Fearing Loss to Romney, Obama Officials Pushed to Codify Rules for 'Kill List'

11/19/12 - Wall Street, Coming to Your Town! (and Destroying It)

11/19/12 - Report: Launch of CIA ‘cocaine coup’ turned on Romney win

1/8/12 - New Weapons Systems ... Pentagon .. Power Over the Planet ...

11/7/12 - Obama Drones On Carig Murray

11/8/12 - Space Warfare and the Future of US Global Power

9/12/12 - Chomsky: Why US and Israel .. Greatest Threats to Peace

7/25/11 - 9/11 & America's Top Secret Terror Campaign


Iran Timeline
Israel Timeline
Iraq Timeline Part 1
July 1979 thru Jan- 2004
Iraq Timeline - Part 2
Feb 2004 thru Dec 2004



12/3/12 - The Coming Crash of America

11/28/12 - John Boehner Signals No Softening On Taxes In Fiscal Cliff Standoff [UPDATE]

11/27/12 - Durbin: Social Security Should Be Off The Fiscal Cliff Table

11/27/12 - Democrats Angling to Ignore Base in Fiscal Slope Deal

11/27/12 - The Trans-Pacific Partnership: What ‘Free Trade’ Actually Means

11/26/12 - Why Is the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers Helping the Rep?

11/21/12 - Why So Secretive? The Trans-Pacific Partnership as Global Corporate Coup

11/21/12 - John Boehner: Let's gut Obamacare in deficit reduction

11/16/12 - Welcome to the Lousiest Recovery of All Time

11/16/12 - Wall Street Uses the Third Way to Lead Its Assault on Social Security

11/15/12 - 5 ways most Americans are blind to how the country is stacked for wealthy

11/15/12 - 'Grand Bargain' Charade a Scheme to Protect Corporate Welfare

11/14/12 - Obama Tells Progressives He Won't Budge On Bush Tax Cuts

11/13/12 - As Talks Begin on "Fiscal Cliff," Report Warns "Fix the Debt" a Front for More Corporate Bailouts

11/11/12 - Fiscal Cliff Talks ... Medicare, SS, ...

11/10/12 - How America Is Turning into a 3rd World Nation in 4 Easy Steps

11/8/12 - Wall Street Urges Obama to Commit the Great Betrayal (also)

11/9/12 - Wall Street's Plan to Push Obama to Betray Those Who Elected Him

11/7/12 - No Conspiracy Theory -- A Small Group of Companies Have Enormous Power Over the World (also

10/28/12 - The Global Banking ‘Super-Entity’ Drug Cartel: The “Free Market” of Finance Capital   (ibid - AlterNet)

10/24/12 - The Do Nothing Congress: A Record of Extremism and Partisanship



11/28/12 - Meet The Radical Repub. Chairing Important House Committees

11/28/12 - War on Youth (video)

11/27/12 - Goodnight to President Felipe Calderon, the Drug Warrior

11/22/12 - Elite Intrigues and Military Purges: It’s Not About Sex, Stupid!

11/20/12 - The Osama bin Laden Myth

11/20/12 - Why Anonymous’ Claims about Election-Rigging Can’t Be Ignored

11/19/12 - Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

8/17/12 - GOP lurches farther into extremism

11/20/12 - Public Citizen: Corporate Access to State Lawmakers Facilitated by Taxpayer-Funded "Associations"

11/19/12 - Damn Right, George Bush Should Face Criminal Proceedings

11/19/12 - The Trans-Pacific Partnership: This is What Corporate Governance Looks Like

11/19/12 - Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All (Hedges)

11/15/12 - American Immorality Is At A Peak

11/14/12 - Epitaph for a Four Star

11/12/12 - The Presidential Election Exposed, Again, the Death of the Liberal Class (Hedges)

11/9/12 - Smiley, West on the 2012 Election ... Obama "Progressive" Ignores His Record

11/8/12 - Five Things to Watch for in Obama’s Second Term

11/8/12 - Assange: Reelected Obama a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'

11/6/12 - Don't Let Obama Break Your Heart - Engelhardt

11/7/12 - Top Ten Wish List Progressives should Press on President Obama Juan Cole

11/9/12 - Beyond Bayonets and Battleships: Space Warfare and the Future of US Global Power 


11/6/12 - Evidence of Electronic Vote Fraud Pours In from Both Liberal and Conservative Sources

11 /5/12 - Why the Dems. and Media Deny Election Rigging

11/5/12 - The latest on voting shenanigans in OR,PA, AZ

11/3/12 - ... IRS has ‘halted’ audits of churches engaging in political activity

11/1/12 - 10 Dirty Tricks to Keep Americans from Voting and Swing an Election