Last updated on Friday September 1, 2023 12:15 PM

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New Mexico Wild

U.S. Forest and Wildlife Wolf Release 

Lobos of the Southwest  

TrapFree New Mexico

Timber Wold Information Network  

Environmental Conservation Online System  

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Mexican Wolf  

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Wildlife and Environmental Contaminants Mapper  

BioOne - Biological research reports  

Wiley OnLine Libarary (search for wolves)  

Links Specific to Wolves

Oregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife  


2014-2017 - NM Wildlife plan  
Summary version

Nov 26 - Let wolf lovers raise wolves  

Nov 18 - (Chieftain) Wildlife folks were missing

Channel 7 Commission meeting video   

November 13 -
OR wolves delisted, but the protection remains  

November 11 -
County Passes Wolf Ordiance

November 10 - Oregon Wolves Lose Endangered Species Protections
Oregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife  

Jan 16, 2015 - Wolf release ruling

2007 Study in Utah -
A number of trends suggest public behavior and sentiment regarding wildlife, and especially charismatic mega-fauna such as wolves (Canis lupus), changed in the latter half of
the 20th century. READ MORE .pdf file

2007 Study - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that distance is an important factor affecting attitudes towards wolves, i.e. people living far from wolf territories have more positive attitudes towards wolf conservation than those living within or close to wolf territories READ MORE .pdf file

2009 Study - University of Calgary -
Due primarily to wolf predation on livestock (depredation), some groups oppose wolf (Canis lupus) conservation in the Northwestern U.S., which is an objective for large sectors of the public. READ MORE .pdf file

2006 Study - Theisis on Diets of Free Ranging Mexican Gray Wolves in NM and AZ
READ MORE .pdf file




9/1/23 - Feds update evidence standards for Mexican gray wolf attacks. ...  wolf is now receiving more management protections in Arizona and New Mexico.   SourceNM  

3/9/23 - Mexican gray wolves thrive in 2022.
or .pdf

12/1/22 - Montana Judge Won’t Halt Gov. Greg Gianforte’s Aggressive Wolf Hunt. ... The decision came as part of a lawsuit from environmental groups filed after the deadliest year for Yellowstone wolves since their reintroduction.   The Intercept

October 15, 2022 - Update on Grey Wolf recovery program. On October 4, 2022, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released the final revised recovery plan for the Mexican wolf, which includes new site-specific management actions to address the threat of human-caused mortality, including illegal killing.   NM Wild   

August 30, 2022 - Montana doubles down of wolf slaughter. ... permits for 456 wolf slaughter.    CounterPunch   

July 20, 2022 - Wolf tracks in Yellowstone National Park ... Was Yellowstone’s Deadliest Wolf Hunt in 100 Years an Inside Job?   Intercept   

June 23, 2022 - People may be overselling the myth’: should we bring back the wolf? Researchers say the return of wolves to Yellowstone in the 1990s kickstarted big changes in habitats. But that narrative is increasingly being challenged.    Guardian.  Related:  Rewilding with wolves: can they help rebuild ecosystems?  Guardian Poscast  

June 17, 2022 - Wolves in the West are Collateral Damage of Human Selfishness. CounterPunch

June 16, 2022 - Sabotaging the Mexican wolf recovery project. ... A whistleblower reveals how fraudulent wolf kills hurt recovery of the endangered species High Country News

June 2, 2022 - County backs proposed livestock authority; feds release more wolf pups. ... A Joint Powers Agreement between the counties of Socorro, Catron and Sierra was approved last week by the Socorro County Board of County Commissioners. The purpose of the JPA is to create the County Livestock Loss Authority, designed to help protect the rights and livelihood of the cattle ranching industry, which feels at risk by the federal government’s management of the reintroduction of the endangered Mexican gray wolf. Chieftain  .pdf

May 24, 2022 - Cry Wolf. Endangered Gray Wolf recovery is being "sabotaged" by ranchers who claim the canines are killing cattle - and the federal employes who sign off the reports. The Intercept

May 19, 2022 - Mexican wolf numbers allowed to rise; legislators call for lethal removal. Chieftain or .pdf

May 4, 2022 - America is exterminating its wolves. When will this stop? ... Last year Idaho approved the killing of 90% of its wolves and Wisconsin killed 200 in less than 60 hours. Recently 500 were killed in the northern Rockies. This is a disaster for our ecosystem. Guardian

April 28, 2022 - 'Stunning and Supremely Disappointing': Biden Admin Moves to Appeal Gray Wolf Protections. ... The Interior Department said the "procedural step" will allow time for additional assessment and "does not signal that the federal government has determined that an appeal will be pursued." CommonDreams

April 21, 2022 - Jaguars Could Return to the US Southwest, But Only If They Have Pathways to Move North. CounterPunch

April 20, 3022 - Restoring the Grizzly to the Southwest: Aldo Leopold’s Escudilla, Revisited. CounterPunch

April 6, 2022 - New Mexico Teeters On The Edge Of A New Era Of Coexistence. Roxy’s Law represents a critical marker on New Mexico’s path to reimagining how we perceive and live with the wildlife that makes this place special. Popular Resistance

February 15, 2022 - 5 things to know about gray wolves regaining Endangered Species Act protection ... Most importantly: The recent relisting doesn’t apply to the Rocky Mountains. Wild Country News

February 14, 2022 - The Case for Equal Protections for Wolves Throughout Their Range. CounterPunch

February 10, 2022 - 'Huge Win for Gray Wolves' as US Court Restores Endangered Species Act Protections. ... Campaigners also emphasize that, as one expert put it, "there is still a huge amount of work ahead to protect wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, where they face some of their biggest threats." CommonDreams

January 27, 2022 - Over 81,000 demand support for long-term Mexican gray wolf conservation.
Wild Earth Guardians

January 15, 2022 - Help Protect Mexican Gray Wolves! ... The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is updating its management plan for Mexican gray wolves, and we need your comments by January 27 Wolf Conservation Center

December 29, 2021 - Ode to the Wolf. CounterPunch

December 24, 2021 - What is a Wilderness Without Its Wolves? CounterPunch

December 20, 2021- Mexican Gray Wolves Belong in the Wild, Wherever They Roam. CounterPunch

December 1, 2021 - The emotional lives of wolves
Biologist Rick McIntyre uses anthropomorphism to tell the story of his subjects. High Country News

December 5, 2021 - A gray wolf’s epic journey ends in death on a California highway. ... OR-93 traveled further south than any wolf had in a hundred years. Even after death, he continues to inspire. Guardian

December 3, 2021 - Democrats and the Wolf Slaughter. CounterPunch

Novemer 3, 2021 - Can the Wolf Unite Us? Environmental Leadership in Polarized Times. CounterPunch

October 29, 2021 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Proposes New Rule to Address Mexican Gray Wolf Killings. Press Release.pdf

October 23, 2021 - Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Temporarily Blocked By Court. ... A judge sided with wildlife advocates who say a slated wolf hunting season would be unconstitutional. HuffPost

October 1, 2021 - For the Wolf. ... As the world deteriorates ecologically and societally, we are seeing in Montana’s new wolf “hunts” a march of barbarism and contempt for life unfolding before us. CounterPunch

September 3, 2021 - Biden Should Put Science, Not Policy Positions, in the Driver’s Seat on Wolves and the Endangered Species Act. CounterPunch

September 1, 2021 - Wolves’ perilous path to Colorado ... As gray wolf restoration in the Southern Rockies looms, one multi-state river corridor highlights the political and physical barriers they face. High Country News

September 1, 2021 - Why are Mexican Wolves Being Removed From Northern Arizona? Agency Excuses Don’t Fly. CounterPunch

July 28, 2021 -
An abomination’: the story of the massacre that killed 216 wolves. ... ‘Before regulators could shut down the hunt, 216 wolves had been killed – overshooting the quota by 83%.’ Guardian

July 5, 2021 -
Study Details How Trump Unleashed 'Outright Slaughter' of Wolves in Wisconsin. ... Experts warn Wisconsin could be a harbinger of the fate of wolves in other states unless the Biden administration quickly restores federal protections. CommonDreams  Related:  Up To Third Of Wisconsin’s Wolves Killed After Removal From Endangered Species List
The state ended its wolf hunt after just three days earlier this year when hunters killed at least 216 wolves in about 60 hours. HuffPost

July 2, 2021 -
The return of the endangered Mexican wolf
A program that places captive-born pups into wild dens is helping North America’s rarest wolf subspecies reclaim its native territory in the Southwest. HCN

June 1, 2021 -
Who’s Afraid the Big (Actually, Tiny) Bad (Hardly) Wolf (Pups)?. CounterPunch

May 12, 2021 -
Idaho is going to kill 90% of the state’s wolves. That’s a tragedy – and bad policy. .. Fed by myths, fairytales and Disney, America’s demonization of wolves has been going on for centuries, and continues full throttle. Guardian

May 11, 2021 -
The Cash Cows of Catron County. CounterPunch
Related: Forest Service upholds Decision to Cancel Grazing Permit of Convicted Wolf Killer. Western Water Sheds

April 27, 2021 -
Idaho’s Wolf Slaughter Bill Stampedes Toward a Vote. ... would allow an unlimited number of wolf tags per hunter, no restrictions on methods of take, establishment of year-round trapping seasons on private lands, and allowing the state Wolf Depredation Control Board to hire independent contractors to kill wolves (and) use any method available to kill. Guardian

April 24, 2021 -
Idaho Senate OKs Bill To Kill Up To 90% Of The State’s Wolves. ... Conservationists slammed the bill as incentivizing the “cruel deaths” of more than 1,000 wolves. HuffPost

April 20, 2021 -
Wolves Remain at Risk as Hunters and Their State-Level Allies Call the Shots TruthDig or Download.pdf

April 8, 2021 -
Mexican Wolf Depredation Investigations…Again. CounterPunch or Download.pdf

April 1, 2021 -
Endangered Mexican gray wolf. Letter to
Chieftain Download .PDF

March 26, 2021 -
Demand Montana Governor Gianforte Veto Draconian Wolf Killing Bills. CounterPunch

March 24, 2021 -
The Future of Wolves in the American West. CounterPunch

March 23, 2021 -
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte Violates Rule In Killing Of Yellowstone Wolf. ... The newly elected Republican was let off with a warning and was allowed to keep its skull and hide. HuffPost

March 23, 2021 -
Another Dead Wolf in Arizona CounterPunch

March 22, 2021--
Meditations from the Greater Gila: On the Possibility of Wolves, the Actuality of Dark Skies, and Actualizing the Possible. CounterPunch

March 18, 2021 -
Latest count for wolves up from year before.
or Download .pdf version

March 12, 2021-
Rarest subspecies of wolf in North America sees population almost double in five years. ... Environmentalists are hopeful about increase in numbers but say wolves are still in a precarious position. Guardian

March 12, 2021 - The Fraught Politics of Wolf Hunts. CounterPunch

March 11, 2021 - Weakened protections led to more disappearances of endangered Mexican wolves. UWM

March 10, 2021 - Wolves Will be Wolves, So Let’s Manage the Humans. CounterPunch

March 3, 2010 - Wisconsin hunters kill 216 wolves in less than 60 hours, sparking uproar. ... Kills quickly exceeded statewide limit, forcing the state to end the hunting season early. Guardian

February 11, 2021 - Of Mexican Wolves and Their Habitat. CounterPunch

January 5, 2021-  Gray Wolves Lose Federal Endangered Species Act protections CounterPunch

January 2, 2021 - In October, the Trump administration removed protection status from the nation's threatened and endangered gray wolves. While the order did not apply to Mexican gray wolves found in New Mexico, the decision was a troubling development nonetheless. Urge the Biden Administration to Protect Mexican Gray Wolves! Please sign this petition to encourage the incoming Biden administration to protect Mexican gray wolves!

December 24, 2020 - Mexican Wolf Killings Expose the Dark Underbelly of Western Culture.... Namely, many of the confirmed Mexican wolf depredations are unsubstantiated based on the evidence in the reports, and some are so full-scale bogus as to call into question how, exactly, Wildlife Services is making these decisions. CounterPunch   Related: Advocates question investigations used to target 'problem' wolves.  Related: US Wildlife crying wolf on livestock deaths? Albuquerque Journal   

December 2, 2020 -
Federal Grazing Fees: the Hidden Subsidy. CounterPunch

November 16, 2020 -
Scientists studying wolves as first responders against deadly brain disease. ... Experts fear that chronic wasting disease could one day jump from deer to humans. Independent

November 5, 2020 -
It’s official: Voters decide to reintroduce wolves in Colorado. ... Proposition 114 passed as a flurry of Front Range-votes widened the initiative’s margin of victory, paving the way for the animals’ return to the Western Slope. Colorado Sun

October 30, 2020 -
What Stripping Endangered Species Protections Means For Colorado’s Wolf Reintroduction Initiative. CPR News

October 29, 2020 - 'We Will See Them in Court': Howls of Protest and Lawsuit Promised as Trump Takes Wolves Off Endangered Species List. ... "The largest canine native to North America, gray wolves were once common throughout more than two-thirds of the lower 48 states," before being "nearly wiped out in the mid-20th century due to habitat loss and deliberate eradication efforts," Environment America explained in a statement released on Thursday. "Let's learn from history: Removing legal protections is a disaster for gray wolves." CommonDreams

October 19, 2020 -
Taxpayers Shell Out Huge Subsidies to Wolf Pup-Killer’s Ranching Enterprise. CounterPunch

October 16, 2020 -
Compassion, Wolves and America’s First Wilderness CounterPunch

September 11, 2020 -
'Reckless, Violent, Massacre' of 570 Wolves and Wolf Pups in Idaho Bolsters Alarm Over Trump Attack on Species Protections. ... Wildlife advocates warn that if a Trump administration effort to lift nationwide protections proceeds, "this cruelty could extend to all wolves within our country's borders."

September 7, 2020 -
Slaughtered Pups and Maimed Wolves in Idaho Demonstrate the Effects of Federal Delisting.

September 6, 2020 - US Wildlife crying wolf on livestock deaths? Albuquerque Journal

August 28, 2020 -
One Ranch, Nine Dead Cows, and Six Very Strange Wolf Investigations. CounterPunch

August 4, 2020 -
Framing Wolves in New Mexico? CounterPunch or PDF

July 22, 2020 -
Save the Staffel Wolf Pack. CounterPunch

July 17, 2020 -
Of Toddlers, Wolves, and Public Lands Ranchers. CounterPunch

July 14, 2020 -
Wolf culls do not protect caribou, new study suggests. ... Habitat degradation inflicts far greater harm on caribou populations than wolves, say researchers. Guardian

July 9, 2020 -
Mexican wolves found dead - Wildlife managers are investigating the deaths of two Mexican gray wolves found in May. Chieftain
  .pdf version

June 12, 2020 -
Advocating for the Mexican Gray Wolf: An Interview with Amy Harwood. CounterPunch  Related: How to speak up for the wolves in th e 10(j) management rule scoping comment period. ... The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) issued a request for comments on April 15, 2020 - 60 day period. . Lobos of the SW

May 29, 2020 - Advocates question investigations used to target 'problem' wolves.

May 12, 2020 -
The War Against the Wolves of Alaska. CounterPunch

April 29, 2020 -
A Big Win for the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness and a Call to Protect Wolves and Wilderness in Idaho. CounterPunch

April 16, 2020 -
It’s Time for the Forest Service to Curtail Idaho’s Wolf Slaughter in Wilderness Areas. CounterPunch

April 16, 2020 -
It’s Time for the Forest Service to Curtail Idaho’s Wolf Slaughter in Wilderness Areas. CounterPunch

April 1, 2020 -
What’s the Hang Up on Releasing Adult Lobos? CounterPunch

February 11, 2020 -
The War on Wolves is Part of the Culture War. CounterPunch  

January 30, 2020 -
Wolves Play a Beneficial Role in Wildlife Management.   CounterPunch  

January 25, 2020 -
A rewilding triumph: wolves help to reverse Yellowstone degradation  Guardian  

October 18, 2019 -
Leadership Lacking for Wolf Protection  

August 20, 2019 -
Washington: outcry after last four wolves in pack killed by state hunters. ...
Environmental groups called deaths of wolves that had killed or wounded cows since 2018 ‘unbelievably tragic’.  Guardian  

March 2, 2019 -
Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project - Initial Release and Translocation Plan for 2019  

November 16, 2018 -
The Once Hated Wolf Could Now Save A Struggling Community. ... Wolf tourism is bringing more benefits than hunting.  HuffPost    Related:  
Bill That Would Drop Protections For Gray Wolves Passes House. ... Around 5,000 wolves currently live in the lower 48 states.  HuffPost  

October 23, 2018 -
Challenge to Policy on Prosecuting Endangered-Species Hunters Tossed.  Courthouse News  

June 4, 2018 -
Importance of Gila National Forest For Mexican Wolf Recovery. Wildlands Network  

February 6, 2018 -
Standoff Over Mexican Gray Wolf Continues in Southwestern U.S. NatureNow  

May 23, 2018 -
New Analysis Demonstrates Importance of Gila National Forest-Northern Arizona Wildlife Corridor for Mexican Wolf Recovery. New Mexico Wild  

April 6, 2018 -
20th anniversary of release of Mexican wolves in wild. Chieftain  

March 15, 2018 -
NM, feds reach agreement on wolf releases. Albuquerque Journal  
.PDF version

September 2, 2017 -
Thousands weigh in on wolf recovery plan ... Just hours before the Tuesday night deadline approached for the public to weigh in on a proposed federal management plan for the endangered Mexican gray wolf, more than 9,000 comments had been posted online. Thousands more had been submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by mail — most opposing a wolf recovery plan that many criticized as too restrictive to allow the species to thrive.
New Mexican

July 27, 2017 -
Call to the Wild - Mexican gray wolf recovery program faces challenges. Chieftain

July 21, 2017 -
Goals discussed at wolf recovery meeting -

July 17, 2017 -
Speak up for Wolves - Attend upcoming meetings

July 20th - T of C - 6 - 9pm
Civic Center, Ralph Edwards Auditorium, 400 W 4th

July 22nd - Albuquerque, NM (Facebook Event) -
Crowne Plaza Albuquerque 1901 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102
(Prep at the Wolf Den: 11 am - 12:45 pm
Rally: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
FWS Meeting: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The Trump administration has released a draft Mexican Wolf "Recovery" Plan, and it is bad news for our struggling desert lobo wolves. ... This plan would suppress wolf numbers, sharply limit their distribution and hand over the rare wolves' management to political appointees on state game commissions -- people who are selected in large part from among the livestock and hunting-outfitter industries. Download information

July 5, 2017 -
Mexican Wolf Draft Revised Recovery Plan released Chieftain PDF version

Release range and spotting map:

Recovery information website     

Why Killing Coyotes Doesn't Make Livestock Safer. TruthOut

Court Throws Out Feds’ Misguided Policy Limiting Prosecution of Killers of Endangered Wildlife. ... Late yesterday, a federal judge threw out the Department of Justice’s flawed ‘McKittrick Policy’ under which the government only prosecuted killers of animals on the Endangered Species Act’s (ESA) list of imperiled species when it could prove the killer knew the exact biological identity of the species s/he was harming. The decision came as a result of a challenge brought by WildEarth Guardians and the
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance in 2013.

Line of descent: How poor management left Mexican wolves dangerously inbred. ... Missteps and conflict between the state and the feds have hounded the recovery of Arizona and New Mexico’s remaining wolf packs. High Country News Download

April 27, 2017 -
Court Lifts Injunction Blocking Mexican Gray Wolf Releases. ... The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled April 25, 2017, to lift a preliminary injunction blocking further releases of highly endangered Mexican gray wolves into the wild within New Mexico. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) can now resume wolf releases within the state. NM Wild
Map of Wolf Population areas

April 27, 2017 -
Official: Cattle attacked by wolf - Chieftain

Five ways you are subdizing meat production.
With traps, snares, poisons, gas, and aerial gunning, the USDA’s Wildlife Services has killed more than 34 million animals in the last decade to protect the livestock operations of private meat producers, according to official records. The take in 2015 alone included 68,905 coyotes, 731 bobcats, 480 bears, 385 wolves, and 284 mountain lions. More >  

Sept 8, 2016 - The recent killing of six members of the Profanity Peak wolf pack in NE Washington in retribution for the loss of a few cattle is emblematic of what is wrong with public land policy - More here: Slaughtering the Profanity Pack: Losing Wolves and Academic Freedom   

How wolves can altger the course of rivers.

Wolves were once native to the US' Yellowstone National Park -- until hunting wiped them out. But when, in 1995, the wolves began to come back (thanks to an aggressive management program), something interesting happened: the rest of the park began to find a new, more healthful balance.

For More Wonder, Rewild The world - TED Talk

August 7, 2016 - Wolf Issue resolved

July 11, 2016 - Federal investigation: Wolf program was mishandled     
Less than a quarter of one percent, 0.23%, of the American cattle inventory was lost to native carnivores and dogs in 2010, according to a Department of Agriculture report.   Synopsis of the report  

June 16, 2016 - Judge temporarily stops release  

June 16, 2016 - Keep politics out of wolf release

May 14, 2016 - (ABQ Journal)
State seeking to stop release of wolves

May 5, 2016 - Sheriff may try to stop wolves’ release in Socorro County   

March 2, 2016 - Chieftain - 110 Wolves counted in AZ and NM release areas  

Socorro County Commission voted unanimously to ban release in the county. This decision has no legal standing. Wolf release is a federal issue. .

November 26 - Let wolf lovers raise wolves

November 18 - Wildlife folks were missing  

November 11 - County Passes Wolf Ordiance  

November 10 - Oregon Wolves Lose Endangered Species Protections

November 5th -
Wolves at the ‘back door’ (Chieftain)

November 5th -
Wolves at the ‘back door’ (Chieftain)

October 31 - [IMPORTANT NEWS]
The Socorro county commission has already adopted an anti-wolf fear based resolution (download here) and is now considering adopting an anti-wolf county ordinance (download here) The Center for Biological Diversity will give a presentation Thursday, Nov. 5 about Mexican wolves, their importance to wild places and how the mountains of Socorro county fit in to saving them.

Please join Michael Robinson from the Center and to learn more about wolves, new rules for their management that were adopted in 2015 and the proposed county ordinance.

What: Presentation, Return the wolf to the San Mateo Mountains

When: Thursday, November 5th at 6-7:30 PM

Where: the Socorro Public Library, 401 Park Street, Socorro, NM
Please bring and tell a friend!

Mary Katherine Ray
Wildlife Chair
Rio Grande Chapter Sierra Club

PS. Also mark your calendar for the County Commission meeting on Tuesday, November 10 at 10 AM at the County annex building at 198 Neel St in Socorro. Commissioners will be voting on the anti-wolf ordinance and each member of the public will be allowed 2 minutes of testimony. Let's show the Socorro county commission that wolves have friends here!

October 23 -
Wolf Release Cleared  



Lobos of the SouthWest

November 10th - County Commission meeting at 10AM County annex building at 198 Neel St in Socorro. Commissioners will be voting on the anti-wolf ordinance and each member of the public will be allowed 2 minutes of testimony. Let's show the Socorro county commission that wolves have friends here!

The Socorro county commission has already adopted an anti-wolf fear based resolution (download here) and is now considering adopting an anti-wolf county ordinance (download here) The Center for Biological Diversity will give a presentation Thursday, Nov. 5 about Mexican wolves, their importance to wild places and how the mountains of Socorro county fit in to saving them.

Please join Michael Robinson from the Center and to learn more about wolves, new rules for their management that were adopted in 2015 and the proposed county ordinance.

What: Presentation, Return the wolf to the San Mateo Mountains

When: Thursday, November 5th at 6-7:30 PM

Where: the Socorro Public Library, 401 Park Street, Socorro, NM
Please bring and tell a friend!

Mary Katherine Ray
Wildlife Chair
Rio Grande Chapter Sierra Club

PS. Also mark your calendar for the County Commission meeting on Tuesday, November 10 at 10 AM at the County annex building at 198 Neel St in Socorro. Commissioners will be voting on the anti-wolf ordinance and each member of the public will be allowed 2 minutes of testimony. Let's show the Socorro county commission that wolves have friends here!
